Vol.31 No.4

Editorial Office


  • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
  • Volume 28(4); 2021
  • Article


Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society 2021;28(4):91-96. Published online: Mar, 18, 2022

Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties in n-Type Bi2Te3 using Control of Grain Size

  • Nayoung Lee1,3, Sungwook Ye2, Rahman Jamil Ur2, Jang-Yeul Tak3, Jung Young Cho3, Won Seon Seo4, Weon Ho Shin5, Woo Hyun Nam3,†, Jong Wook Roh1,2,†
    1Department of Advanced Science and Technology Convergence, Kyungpook National University, 37224, Republic of Korea 2School of Nano & Materials Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, 37224, Republic of Korea 3Energy and Environmental Division, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, 52851, Republic of Korea 4Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Yonsei University, 03722, Republic of Korea 5Electronic Materials Engineering, Kwangwoon University, 01897, Republic of Korea
Corresponding author E-mail: whnam@kicet.re.kr, jw.roh@knu.ac.kr

본 연구에서는 체가름과 고에너지 볼 밀링 공정이 n-type Bi2Te3 열전 재료의 전기적 및 열적 수송 특성에 미 치는 영향을 검토하였다. 입자 크기가 감소한 분말의 특성을 유지하기 위하여 짧은 시간 안에 소결이 가능한 방전 플라 즈마 소결 공정 (spark plasma sintering, SPS)을 진행하였다. 그 결과, 밀링 처리를 진행한 소결체의 열전 성능지수가 향 상되었으며, 30분동안 고에너지 볼 밀링 공정을 거친 샘플이 425 K에서 0.78의 최대 열전 성능지수를 가지는 것을 확인 하였다. 이는 손쉬운 공정을 이용하여 결정립 크기 감소를 통한 phonon의 격자 산란을 효과적으로 유도한 결과이다. 동 시에 n-type Bi2Te3에서 anti-site defect와 같은 결함을 제어함으로써 캐리어 농도를 증가시킬 수 있음을 본 연구를 통하 여 확인하였다.
The enhancement of thermoelectric figure of merit was achieved by the simple processes of sieving and high energy ball milling, respectively, which are enable to reduce the grain size of n-type Bi2Te3 thermoelectric materials. By optimizing the grain size, the electrical conductivities and thermal conductivities were controlled. In this study, spark plasma sintering was employed for hindering the grain growth during the sintering process. The thermoelectric figure of merit was measured to be 0.78 in the samples with 30 min high energy ball milling process. Notably, this value was 40 % higher than that of pristine Bi2Te3 sample. This result shows the properties of thermoelectric materials can be readily controlled by optimization of grain size via simple ball milling process.

Keywords Thermoelectrics, Seebeck effect, Milling, Bi2Te3, Grain size