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KCI Impact Factor 0.54
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KCI Accredited Journals KCI 등재지
KCI Impact Factor 0.54
Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society 2022;29(2):53-58. Published online: Aug, 11, 2022
DOI : 10.6117/kmeps.2022.29.2.053
One of the most promising emerging technologies for the next generation of nonvolatile memory devices based on resistive switching (RS) is the resistive random-access memory mechanism. To date, RS effects have been found in many transition metal oxides. However, no clear evidence has been reported that ZnO-based resistive transition mechanisms could be associated with strong correlation effects. Here, we investigated N, F-co-doped ZnO (NFZO), which shows bipolar RS. Conducting micro spectroscopic studies on exposed surfaces helps tracking the behavioral change in systematic electronic structural changes during low and high resistance condition of the material. The significant difference in electronic conductivity was observed to attribute to the field-induced oxygen vacancy that causes the metal-insulator Mott transition on the surface. In this study, we showed the strong correlation effects that can be explored and incorporated in the field of multifunctional oxide electrons devices.
Keywords RRAM, atomic layer deposition, co-doping, oxygen vacancy, Mott-transition