Vol.31 No.4

Editorial Office


  • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
  • Volume 29(3); 2022
  • Article


Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society 2022;29(3):31-35. Published online: Nov, 21, 2022

A Study on Effect of Pad Design on Assembly and Adhesion Reliability of Surface Mount Technology (SMT)

  • Dong-Woon Park1, Myeong-Hyeon Yu1, Hak-sung Kim1,2,†
    1Department of Mechanical Convergence Engineering, Hanyang University, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763, korea, 2Institute of Nanoscience and Technology, Hanyang University, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763, korea
Corresponding author E-mail: kima@hanyang.ac.kr

최근 4차산업혁명으로 대용량 데이터 처리를 위한 고집적 반도체에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있다. 반도체 제품에 장착되는 소자들의 크기가 작아 짐에 따라 표면실장기술(SMT)의 신뢰성에 대한 연구가 관심을 받고 있다. 본 연구에서는 PCB의 패드 디자인이 수동소자의 조립 및 접합 신뢰성에 미치는 영향을 실험 계획법(design of experiment, DOE) 이용하 여 분석하였다. 수동소자를 실장하기 위한 PCB의 패드 길이, 너비 및 두 패드간 거리를 변수로 하여 실험계획법을 수립하 였다. 저항칩의 오배치(misplacement) 방향에 따른 수동소자의 톰스톤(tombstone)불량률을 도출하였다. 전단테스트를 통 해 수동소자와 PCB 사이의 전단력을 측정하였다. 또한, 단면분석을 통해 패드 디자인에 따른 솔더의 형상을 분석하였다.
Recently, with the 4th industrial revolution, the demand for high-density semiconductors for large-capacity data processing is increasing. Researchers are interested in researching the reliability of surface mount technology (SMT). In this study, the effect of PCB pad design on assembly and adhesion reliability of passive component was analyzed using design of experiment (DOE). The DOE method was established using the pad length, width, and distance between pads of the PCB as variables. The assembly defect rate of the passive element after the reflow process was derived according to the misplacement direction of the chip resistor. The shear force between the passive element and the PCB was measured using shear tests. In addition, the shape of the solder according to the pad design was analyzed through cross-sectional analysis.

Keywords Surface mount technology, pad design, passive chip, SAC305, reliability