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KCI Accredited Journals KCI 등재지
KCI Impact Factor 0.54
Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society 2023;30(1):90-94. Published online: May, 11, 2023
DOI : dx.doi.org/10.6117/kmeps.2023.30.1.090
Carbon fiber(CF) with excellent thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity is attracting attention as an alternative material because metal heating elements have problems such as high heat loss and fire risk. However, since CF is oxidized and disconnected at about 200°C or higher, the application of heating elements is limited, and CF heating elements in the form of vacuum tubes are currently used in some commercial heaters. In this work, polyimide(PI) with high heat resistance was coated on the surface of carbon fiber by electrophoretic deposition to prevent oxidation of CF in the atmosphere without using a vacuum tube, and the coating thickness and heat resistance were investigated according to the applied voltage. The heater made by connecting the PI-coated CF heating elements in series showed stable heating characteristics up to 292°C, which was similar to the heating temperature result of the heat transfer simulation. The PI layer coated by the electrophoretic deposition method is effective in preventing oxidation of CF at 200°C or higher and is expected to be applicable to various heating components such as secondary batteries, aerospace, and electric vehicles that require heat stability.
Keywords Heating element, Carbon fiber, Electrophoretic deposition, Polyimide, Heater