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KCI Impact Factor 0.54
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KCI Accredited Journals KCI 등재지
KCI Impact Factor 0.54
Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society 2024;31(2):36-44. Published online: Jul, 25, 2024
Copper electrodeposition technology is essential for producing copper films and interconnects in the microelectronics industries including semiconductor packaging, semiconductors and secondary battery, and there are extensive efforts to control the microstructure of these films and interconnects. In this study, we investigated the influence of crystallographic orientation on the local plastic deformation of copper films for secondary batteries deformed by uniaxial tensile load. Crystallographic orientation maps of two electrodeposited copper films with different textures were measured using an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) system and then used as initial conditions for crystal plasticity finite element analysis to predict the local plastic deformation behavior within the films during uniaxial tension deformation. Through these processes, the changes of the local plastic deformation behavior and texture of the films were traced according to the tensile strain, and the crystal orientations leading to the inhomogeneous plastic deformation were identified.
Keywords Electrodeposited copper film, Crystallographic orientation, Plastic deformation, Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), Crystal plasticity finite element method