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KCI Impact Factor 0.54
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KCI Accredited Journals KCI 등재지
KCI Impact Factor 0.54
Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society 2024;31(3):62-66. Published online: Oct, 30, 2024
DOI : doi.org/10.6117/kmeps.2024.31.3.062
A statistical approach to inspection of the 3-D shape of micro solder balls is proposed, where an optical method with spatially arranged LED and specular reflection is used. The reflected image captured by a vision system was analyzed to calculate the relative displacements of LED’s in the image. Also, the statistics of displacements for the micro solder balls contained in a captured image are used to detect existing defects, and the usefulness of the proposed method is shown via experiments.
Keywords Micro solder ball, 3-D shape inspection, Machine vision