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KCI Accredited Journals KCI 등재지
KCI Impact Factor 0.54
Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society 2024;31(4):1-17. Published online: Jan, 22, 2025
DOI : doi.org/10.6117/kmeps.2024.31.4.001
The rapid advancement of 3D semiconductor packaging technology has led to a significant increase in the integration density of electronic components, emphasizing the importance of low-melting-point solders in preventing warpage and thermal damage post-reflow processing. Sn-58Bi (wt.%) solder has garnered considerable attention due to its low melting point and cost-effectiveness. However, its high brittleness, resulting in poor resistance to mechanical shock, remains a critical limitation. This comprehensive review systematically examines various strategies for mitigating the brittleness of Sn-58Bi solder. We focus on three key approaches: optimized alloy design, incorporation of nanocomposite materials, and implementation of innovative processing techniques for microstructure control and mechanical property enhancement. Through this analysis, we aim to propose practical solutions for substantially improving the performance of Sn-58Bi solder, thereby contributing to the advancement of next-generation 3D semiconductor packaging technologies. This study provides valuable insights into the current state of research and potential future directions in low-temperature solder development for advanced electronic packaging applications.
Keywords Sn-58Bi, Brittle, Solder, Low melting point, Packaging