Vol.31 No.4

Editorial Office


  • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
  • Volume 26(1); 2019
  • Article


Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society 2019;26(1):35-39. Published online: May, 16, 2019

Observation of Diverse Aluminum Oxide Structures in a Phosphoric Acid Solution according to the Applied Anodization Voltage

  • Chanyoung Jeong
    Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Dong-Eui University
Corresponding author E-mail: cjeong@deu.ac.kr

To date, porous alumina structures have been implemented by electrochemical anodization technique. The anodizing methods can easy to make a porous aluminum oxide film with a regular arrangement, but oxide film with complex structure type such as pillar-on-pore is relatively difficult to implement. Therefore, this study aims to observe the change of anodized oxide pore size, thickness, and structure in a phosphoric acid solution according to applied anodization voltage conditions. For the implementation of hybrid composite oxide structures, it is possible to create by modulating anodization voltage. The experimental conditions were performed at the applied anodization voltage of 100 V and 120 V in 10% phosphoric acid solution, respectively. The experimental results were able to observe the structure of oxides in the form of porous and composite structures (pillar-on-pore), depending on each condition.

Keywords Thin film growth, Anodizing, Aluminum surface parameter, Phosphoric acid, Hybrid anodic oxide structures